Thursday, October 29, 2009


Pictograms for you!


  1. These are a little terrifying, and I'm not completely sure the subject matter is entirely appropriate.

    That said, the two faces approach is intriguing, and could be fleshed out.

    Biggest question is how to make this work and make it appropriate.

  2. I haven't had a chance to see what your data set is about, but I'm assuming it's eating/drinking.

    I think that 4 arm pictogram's hands are especially nice. It has the quality of papercuts. I think the proportion of the heads/faces to their necks are partially why these look so weird to me. The necks are just soooo skinny that they give off the vibe of being alienish. Having two faces is enough to make us stop and look, but having the literal bottle"neck" maybe taking it a step too far.
