Friday, October 16, 2009

Idea for next project

Okay, so I have three ideas.
1.) Elements that I encounter every day... literally. I can track all the objects that I use and what is contained in those objects. This might be entirely too cumbersome and I might not be able to figure out all the elements but let's start with the basics... oxygen, obviously, lead? though hopefully not haha, carbon found in coal used for my water filter? I dunno, this is probably completely impossible. Thoughts anyone? Can anyone help me think of elements? This was inspired by a question I found on yahoo answers, which was probably for a science project or something. Also, Brockett is having us work on an element from the table of elements, so that triggered my initial thought.

2.) Amount of times I shit-talk throughout a day, listen to it, etc... depending on where I am, who it's about, what it concerns. I was thinking of this because I've been trying to better myself and avoid doing this, but find that it's really difficult. I think it would be surprising to actually track the amount of times that I do it or listen to another person's conversation.

3.) This is a poor idea but track my liquid intake because I drink wayyy too much caffeine from working at starbucks and not nearly enough water... like almost no water.

1 comment:

  1. Try to streamline this, and make your main idea really clear. I think they're a bit vague right now.

    The liquids idea is interesting, and it falls into the greater food and drink category, which may be what you want to undertake. Unless you have a great variety of different beverages, this could get tricky with drinks alone.

    You could expand with calories, amount (Volume), type, etc.

    Clarify and go forth!
