Sunday, October 11, 2009

Alan New color paper idea


  1. Love the hand. Still think the figure of Ash could be pushed further into the lower left to reinforce the threat of the hand.

    The red and yellow/green are interesting together, but the circle pattern is really distracting from the rest of the composition. Black Ash on Green with a red hand attacking him may say it all.

    Type hierarchy is not quite resolved. Where is the manipulation of the type? As a horror movie, this gives you a ton of leeway to really explore the horrific aspects of the film through your type.

    Title is "Evil Dead 2".

    The movie festival info is confusing and really changing directions too many times in the lower right corner.

  2. Most of the elements on your page are on a similar scale so my eye is having a hard time focusing long enough to get the gist of what the poster is advertising.

    Think of your festival text as a whole unit instead of 5 different lines of text. You want it to be instantly read and remembered, having the different orientations makes us work to hard. RIght now, the '09 seems to be the main focus because of it's black text.
