Thursday, October 29, 2009


  1. Eating habits is a great topic.

    I think the overall look of these is a bit rough right now, and if that's intentional, say to make it look like woodcuts, I'd push it even further.

    Time is pretty self-explanatory, quality is pushing it a bit.

    Do you always eat with 2 forks? This feels like it could be a heraldic crest of some sort.

    I think they could use a bit more detail, love the concept of $ and cupcakes, but the pure silhouette could use something more to help it read as cupcake.

  2. I like the two forks, but can you switch one fork to a knife or spoon?
    I agree with Ryan, right now you're in an in between space with the quality of appearance. I'd either go smooth and slick silhouette or a clear mimic of hand crafted stamp route. Any in between looks too much like a mistake and sacrifices your craft.
