Thursday, October 29, 2009

Alan Pictograms

The money pictogram is not my main pictogram. I just forgot to put it on the same page as the rest. The clock with the Utensils is my main pictogram. It symbolizes time consumption.


  1. the pictogram for film and television are really well done, but I'm not sure if they all fit together being that the film camera/projector and dog are just silhouettes while the others like the tv and guitar have white shapes that show more detail. I think a meeting in the middle of the two would be rad.

  2. Greg is spot-on.

    Visually, these are all pretty compelling, and I think you need to balance your silhouette approach with the more detailed use of line and figure/ground.

    As a visual pun, "time consumption" works pretty well. Can you bring this tongue-in-cheek aspect to the rest of your pictogram set?

  3. per the comments above, I'd love to see that wit come into your other ones. Maybe some of the details in the other icons can borrow visuals from the world of consumption. OR, maybe the TV is not a TV, but rather a TV dinner? etc. Also, think about the perspective switches you've got. Your main icon is the flat frontal, but your TV has the 3/4 view which makes me think they're different icon sets. Remember consistency in perspective, color value and stroke weight will make everything look like they're from the same family.
