Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Here's my latest version with handrawn type.  Last minute feedback would be great!


  1. I like the text position change. Creating the Text block rather than having the car break the text. I feel half and half on the hand drawn text, but I think its more that the color is similar to the car and it doesn't stand out. If it was hand-drawn and colored in a black for contrast it might be effective at Popping the title, but the title first may not be what you're looking for.

  2. I think also, there is too much space on the right hand side of "Race" so adjusting the spacing on death and race would be good :).

  3. I'd run the title as one line, and use the green/black combo for the title, then use the black for the secondary text.

    The text box has gotten really tall, but this is a nice improvent. 2 lines, title and secondary text, running under the wheels.

    Nice improvement, great color choice.
