1. Lost/Misplaced/Forgotten objects
- list of all the things lost in a week
- most common things lost or misplaced
-all things that I have forgotten about
-all things lost that stress me out
- things lost that i have no care for
2. Time
- total time spend searching for objects that I misplaced
sub. category - in a day
in a week
- how many times I loose common things that are lost often
sub. category - in a day
in a week
-total steps taken to search for objects lost
sub. category- in a day
-in a week
3. Places Lost/Found
- where i am when I loose things:
where at home
where at school
where at work
-where do i find them most
other categories:
how many times i find objects in the same place i start looking for,
and how many times i find objects in a completely new location, then where i started searching( and what are the objects)
4. Process of Finding
- what processes do I use to find
-how many times do I use the same logic to try to find things
- do i use some methods twice in a row if the previous on worked before-
which method , when , where, what i was looking for
5. Results 0f all things lost/forgotten/misplaced
-How many times do I find what I loose
- what did I find this week, that I forgot I had or misplaced while:
how many times did I find what I lost while ago
- how many times did I not find anything
- how many times I had to use an alternative because i haven't found what I was looking for.
- average time spend searching for something
-average steps taken to look for something
- total things lost/forgotten/misplaced this week