Monday, November 23, 2009

This is the radiolab logo I liked the most. Trying out some variations on it. Feedback would be highly appreciated.


  1. I really like the middle row, left side version. The filled in counterforms solidify the type well, but I think it might be interesting to try the type in condensed or even black.

  2. I personally like the top left and the middle left the best. I think either fill in all of the counter forms, or none at all. To me, it's a visual irritance when only some of the counter forms are filled in and not the others.

    Why Blue and Red?
    It feels patriotic, which definitely fits with the show.
    (seeing how it is aired in the U.S. )

  3. The blue and red came from 3-d glasses

  4. I like the middle right. I think the LAB with no counerforms filled is nice as it seperates it a bit from Radio. Although James and I are at odds, I think both are nice and have potential.

  5. Michelle, I'm diggin this logo. I agree with ben, fill in the counterforms of Radio, but not lab. Also, I think the reddish-pink and the blue should be reversed in order to increase legibility.
